Earlier this year, Pa Olumide Akinsorotan celebrated his 80th birthday with copious thanks to God for His grace and mercy. In this interview with Ademola Akinbola, Baba Akinsorotan reflecetd on some aspects of his life.
Birth and Family History
l was born on March 23, 1944. I was born to the family of the late Pa Abraham Faleti Akinsorotan, a renowned carpenter and farmer, and the late Madam Hannah Ooto-ola Akinsorotan (née Tofowomo), a petty trader who also assisted my father on the farm. They were from lle-Oluji extraction. I had a very good upbringing. My parents disciplined me with love. When I was at Gboluji Ang Grammar School, Ile-Oluji, my father would sit me down and give me my school fee with a proviso that if I liked I should spend it on frivolities and end up on the farm or face my studies and make us proud.
I attended St Peter’s Pry School, Ile-Oluji, Modern School, Ile-Oluji, Gboluji Ang. Grammar School, Ile-Oluji, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Cavillam Vichy France, University of Ife, (now OAU), School of Disciples, Akure, and School of Evangelism, Ondo.
Work Experience
I taught in many schools in Osun, Ekiti, and Ondo States. I retired in the year 2004 after 34 years of meritorious service. I am now an Evangelist in the Diocese of lle-Oluji. I am very proud to be a teacher who got to the zenith of my chosen career as the National Auditor of ANCOPSS (All Nigeria Confederation of Principals of Secondary Schools). At Gboluji l was the Time Keeper in 1961; at Adeyemi College of Education, I was the Secretary of the Literary and Debating Society in 1968; at Unife (OAU), I was the President of the Education Society in 1975/76.
I had a chequered past. I cannot forget my experience when l was an NCE teacher in 1972, and people discriminated against me. I did not allow that to dampen my academic pursuits.
80th Birthday
Earlier this year in March, l celebrated my 80th birthday. I give God all glory, honour, adoration, and Majesty for His mercies and compassions. I had looked forward to March 23 with much anxiety. I was ecstatic to join the League of Octogenarians. My heart overflows with gratitude to God for His mercies, protection, and provision these 80 years in the land of the living. It is my prayer that He will give me the grace to serve Him forever and forever.
What Life Has Taught Me and Advice
At over 80 years of age, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. My advice to people is that they must submit to God and draw nearer to Him daily. You must be compassionate and contented.
I advise those coming behind to submit their lives to God, fear Him, and keep His commandments. It is my prayer that I will continue to bear good fruit in my old age and look fresh and flourishing. All glory and adoration to God who rules in the affairs of men.
We must all give God the preeminence that He deserves in our personal and public lives. Nigeria must go back to God and seek His face and pray for urgent divine intervention in our current situation.